Veneto: Insider guides (Ultimi inserimenti)

The Cheese Alms Tour on Monte Corno
If you're visiting the Asiago Plateau you can't miss this great, walking (or biking or driving) tour among the mountain cheese alms of Monte Corno: breathtaking views - in bright days you can see Venice! And a lot of Asiago Cheese to buy!
Tel. +39 333 3792859

The "Museo Diffuso" of Lusiana
Innovative concept, the museum has six different proposals: the Mountain Botanical Garden, the Prehistoric Village, the Park of Sojo Art and Nature, the Valley of the Mills, the ethnographic museum and demonstration area Labioli. Beautiful!
Tel. +39 0424 407264

Roadtrips up and down from the hills
Lusiana is the perfect point of departure if you like to drive or bike on panoramic roads of the hills: tiny villages, cherry trees, vineyards, chestnuts wood and foliage tours... everyday a new trip and never the same road!
Tel. +39 333 3792859