Hotels to remember: Mogliano Veneto
Mogliano Veneto: introduction

Mogliano Veneto is sited on the Venetian plain, between the Brenta and Tagliamento rivers, in the southern part of the province of Treviso. The town is surrounded, throughout the year, by extensive waterlands. Crossed by the Zero and Dese rivers, Mogliano Veneto has an incredible network of waterways, including two dikes, the Pianton and the Storta which add to the beauty of the landscape.
Among the sites to visit: the Church of St Maria Assunta, the Benedettina Abbey of St Maria Assunta, the Parish Church of Campocroce, the Parish Church of Zerman, the Sacellum dedicated to the Madonna and the Sacellum of the deposition.
Numerous events at Mogliano Veneto: the Moglianese Carnival, Automodoraduno, the G.Berto literary award, Girestate, Jazz & Dintorni, Parchi e Ville in Carozza, Fucina del Gusto, Palio dei Quartieri, the Festa of the Radicchio, the Festa dell'associazionismo, the Sogni e Bisogni gatherings, seminars held in the town Library, Tutti i colori del rosa, Marzo Donna.