Frequently Asked Questions is not a travel agency, but offers users the facility to book rooms directly online. The system identifies hotels with rooms which are available for the requested period. Booking requests are sent direct to the property selected by the user.


How does our booking engine work?
Once the booking has been sent, you'll receive an email confirming the reservation. This message should be considered definitve.
Can staff book a room for me?
No. Our website has been designed so that the users themselves visit the pages relative to each property, control the prices and the availability of rooms, and make their bookings directly with the hotel. cannot make, confirm or cancel bookings.
Can I book more than one room at a time?
Yes. The system allows users to book up to 4 rooms, of the same or of different categories.
Can I make a booking on the same day as my arrival?
Yes, you can. However, do make sure that the details of the credit card submitted for guarantee purposes are correct, as the hotel will have very little time to contact you in case of invalid information. In addition, we strongly suggest that you print a copy of your booking confirmation and hand it to reception staff on your arrival at the hotel, just in case they have yet to receive communication of your booking.
Can I book a room in somebody else's name?
Yes. When booking you'll find an area in which to submit the guest's personal information and another relative to the person who will be paying.
Why are credit card details required?
Valid credit card details are required to guarantee the booking.
What type of credit card can I use to guarantee the reservation?
Our website accepts Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Diners Club credit cards. It is, nevertheless, possible that the chosen hotel does not accept one or more of these types of card. Prior to making your booking, check the Accepted Credit Cards section in the hotel profile.
What can I do if there are no rooms available?
Although there are almost always rooms available in our system, in certain key periods of the year hotels can sell out very quickly. If you are unable to find rooms for the dates which interest you, you might like to try contacting the hotels of your choice directly, using the contact details included in their profiles.


Booking confirmation

When is my booking confirmed?
As soon as you have completed the process a confirmation page will appear, a copy of which will also be sent to the email address supplied. The confirmation page includes your booking code, your stay dates, room rate and all other details relative to your reservation. Although it is not necessary to present the confirmation page at check-in, we suggest you print a copy and keep it for future reference.
Where can I find my chosen hotel's telephone number and email address?
Hotel contact details can be found in the property profile on the website and in the booking confirmation which you will receive by email.


Cancel/Change Booking

How can I change my booking?
Bookings can not be changed. You will need to cancel your existing booking and then make a new one.
My travel plans have changed. How many days prior to scheduled arrival do I need to cancel my booking? Will I have to pay a cancellation fee?
You can cancel your booking at any time: whether or not you will incur a penalty fee, will depend on each individual hotel's cancellation policy. You'll find the conditions concerning cancellations of and changes to bookings on the email containing your booking confirmation and in the hotel profile on our website. Warning! The times indicated refer to local time.
How can I cancel my booking?
Go to the My Booking page of this site or click on the Cancel Booking link included in your booking confirmation email. Insert your booking code and the email address supplied at the time of booking.
You can access your booking up to (and not beyond) the scheduled date of arrival: prior to your scheduled date of arrival you will be able to cancel your booking, in accordance with your chosen hotel's cancellation policy.
Make sure you read your hotel's cancellation policies carefully, prior to cancelling.
How do I know if my booking has been cancelled?
After your booking has been canceled you will receive an email containing the confirmation of the cancellation. Should you fail to receive this e-mail, you are advised to check in the 'unwanted mail' box of the email address you supplied at the time of booking. If the email is not here you will need to contact the hotel directly.
Where can I find details of my chosen hotel's cancellation policy?
Each hotel profile contains full details of the property’s cancellation policy. You can cancel your booking via the My Booking page of this website or the Cancel reservation link, included in the email confirmation sent to you by the Hotel. does not accept cancellation requests via email and does not accept responsibility for any eventual penalty charges made to clients’ credit cards by the hotel.
What can I do if I mistakenly cancel the email confirmation or if I forget my booking code?
Go to the My Booking page of this site and use the link to retrieve your booking code.



Can I book a room with extra beds/cots?
Based on the number of adults and children (and the ages of the children) who will be staying in the room, the system finds rooms with extra beds or cots and provides a detailed breakdown of the cost of your stay.



Do you have rates for travel agents?
No. does not publish rates for Travel Agents: if you are a travel agent looking for a special industry rate we suggest you contact the hotel directly.
Is it possible to have a group rate?
If you wish to book more than 4 rooms you will need to contact the hotel directly.
What's included in the price?
In the room description you will find a list of all the facilities and services included in the price of the room. Any available optional extra services will be indicated in the section which appears immediately after the room description.


Credit Cards

Which forms of payment are accepted?
So as to make a booking you will need to provide details of a valid credit card.
What charges will be made to my credit card at the time of booking?
Bookings are sent directly to the hotel via a secure channel. Payment should be made directly in the hotel, unless otherwise specified in the reservation and cancellation policy
The hotel reserves the right to verify the validity of the credit card supplied as guarantee. In addition, in the case of no-show or late cancellation, and according to the hotel's stated cancellation policy, the hotel may decide to charge a penalty fee to your credit card.
I am not a credit card holder. Can I make a booking online anyway?
No. Valid credit card details are required in order to make any booking.
What type of credit card can I use to guarantee the reservation?
Our website accepts Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Diners Club credit cards. It is, nevertheless, possible that the chosen hotel does not accept one or more of these types of card. Prior to making your booking, check the Accepted Credit Cards section in the hotel profile.
Can I make a booking using somebody else's credit card?
The majority of hotels accept this type of payment but we advise you to check that the hotel chosen is among these. Warning! In case of no show of late cancellation any eventual penalty fee will be charged to the credit card supplied at the time of booking.
A charge has been made to my credit card. Is this charge justified?
A penalty charge may be incurred in the case of a no-show or late cancellation, according to the terms of the hotel's Cancellation Policy.
The hotel reserves the right to verify the validity of the credit card and, eventually, to block the cost of your stay.
Is the booking process secure?
Your credit card details are transmitted using a Secure Server, a protected channel which uses the latest data encryption technology. The encryption method used meets the Secure Socket layer (SSL 256 bit) standards. The server possesses an SSL digital certificate released by Equifax Secure Inc.


Security uses a server with Secure Sockets Layers (SSL 256 bit) cryptographic system. The encryption of data offers the highest levels of protection, ensuring that unauthorized parties are unable to read any information regarding the transmission.
We possess a SSL Server certificate issued by Equifax Secure Inc.
Unfortunately, nobody can guarantee that data transmitted via the internet is 100% secure. For this reason, whilst taking every measure possible to protect your personal data, we are unable to gaurantee the security of information sent by you or via one of our services or products.


Privacy policy respects your privacy. We will not hand over to, share with, or sell your personal information to third parties nor will we use it for any purpose other than that for which you have given your consent (excluding those purposes required by law or for public security reasons). Any information provided by the user will be conserved with maximum care by our security systems and will not be used for motives other than those for which the user has given his or her consent. Privacy and data protection laws can change over time, we therefore advise users to consult this page frequently so as to be aware of any update or modification to policy. In using the site and the services offered, users accept the privacy policy described and their eventual modification. will use the information submitted so as to personalize the services offered to its users.
