Calabria and Basilicata: Insider guides (Ultimi inserimenti)

The forest of the giants of Fallistro
Pine larch trees that can reach a height of 46 meters and a diameter of two meters. In the heart of the national park of Sila, they are protected and visited by thousand tourists every year. You can reach it by foot from Torre Camigliati.

La Nave della Sila - Emigration & Immigration M...
There are "ghost towns" in Calabria! This fascinating place proclaims the area to have been a great vessel for millions of people who left. The museum has photographic exhibits, audio-visual displays and sponsor lectures.

Acerenthia - Archeological Park and Basilian caves
Visit both the Archeological Park and the Basilian monks caves.

Santa Severina
This small town is proud of its Byzantine origins, its very early little churches that recall those of Armenia, the Cathedral with its coat of arms, the Baptistery with its purple-coloured font and antique granite columns, and the Castle.

The Cecita Lake
Is a few Km from Torre Camigliati. It was created when a 55-metre-high hydro-electric dam was built in 1951.
Water is mainly used to irrigate surrounding fields which are largely used to grow potatoes. Very fascinating in every season.

Dominated by its imposing medieval castle, which was restored in the nineteenth century somewhat in the style of Viollet-le-Duc.The coup de théâtre, however, is the breathtaking panoramic view from the top of the proud,

San Giovanni in Fiore
Famous for the 'saintly' monk Gioacchino da Fiore - prophet and visionary - who founded his principal monastery in this very spot in the twelfth century.Worth visiting are the early, much altered Badia Florense and the small Museum

Isola di Capo Rizzuto
On the Ionian Coast where traces of human settlement date back to at least 5000 years b.C.. Visit the Marine protected Area, the Aragonese Castle and the Archeological site of Capo Colonna