Hotels to remember: Vibo Valentia
Vibo Valentia: introduction

Vibo Valentia is situated on the side of the promontory which looks out over the Gulf of St Eufemia. The city Vibo Valentia was one of the most important in Magna Grecia, and today is a well known summer tourist destination because of to its beautiful coastline.
The enchanting historic center of Vibo Valentia is dominated by its Norman Svevo Castle which houses the State Archaeological Museum. Well worth visiting: the Baroque style Cathedral dedicated to the Patron Saint Leoluca and the ruins of the Greek city, Hipponion, located just outside the residential area of Vibo Valentia. In close proximity to Vibo, lies Tropea with its coast known as the "Costa degli Dei".
The cuisine of Vibo Valentia is characterised by the use of Peperoncino. First courses include the "fileja", whilst among the specialities of Tropea one finds the "sanguinaccio", a number of cured meats such as the traditional "ndujua".