Hotels to remember: Trieste
Travel ideas
Trieste: introduction

Trieste lies in a territory which extends from the highlands to the sea, in a land of ancient settlements.
The city is amongst the oldest in the whole of Italy. Here one can admire the Vittoria Lighthouse, the Grotta Gigante, the Cathedral of St Giusto, Duino Castle, Miramare Castle, the Castle of St Giusto, the Grotte of st Canziano, the Miramare Nature Reserve, the group of Anti-aircraft tunnels "Kleine Berlin", Palazzo del Governo, Foiba di Basovizza.
Trieste is the birthplace of a number of famous people: Italo Svevo, Susanna Tamaro, Umberto Saba, Ave Ninchi, Giorgio Strehler, Teddy Reno and Nino Benvenuti, to name just a few.
The local cuisine has Venetian, Austrian and Friulian influences. First courses include "jota", "gnocchi de pan" and "gnochi de susini", whilst the best known desserts are perhaps the "struccalo de pomi", "struccalo cotto", "krapfen", "fritole" and "pinze".