Hotels to remember: Cividale del Friuli
Cividale del Friuli: introduction

The origins of Cividale Del Friuli date back to 50 B.C; in this year Julius Caesar founded the city which was called "Forum Julii". The origins of Cividale Del Friuli have made the town of great interest to tourists.
Monuments to visit include the Devil's Bridge, the Medieval House, the Monastery of St Maria in Valle, the Cathedral and the Christian Museum, the Longobard Temple, the Orsoline Nativity Scene, the Celtic Hypogeum and the National Archaeological Museum.
Religious buildings to see: the Cathedral of St Maria Assunta, the Church of St Silvestro, the Church of St Maria dei Battuti, the Church of St Nicolò. Beyond the town walls one finds numerous small churches.
Cividale Del Friuli hosts a number of events such as the Messa dello Spadone historical representation of the arrival in the town of the Patriarch Marquardo Von Randeck, the Civintas Enological Revew and the Mittelfest. Every Saturday a lively market animates the road of the historic center, a market which already existed in the times of Julius Caesar.