Hotels to remember: Gorizia
Travel ideas
Gorizia: introduction

Gorizia is situated where the Valley of Isonzo meets the Tipaccio Valley, surrounded by the peaks of Montesanto, Sabotino, San Gabriele, Calvario, Colle d'Oslavia, san Marco and Carso.
Gorizia is a truly fascinating city; its heart is Medieval with numerous sites to visit such as Gorizia Castle, the symbol of the city, the Palazzotto dei Conti, Palazzo degli Stati Provinciali, Palazzetto Veneto, the small Church of Santo Spirito, the Donberg and Tasso houses, the War Museum, Gorizia Cathedral, the Church of St Ignazio, Palazzo Attems Petzenstein, the Synagogue and didactic Museum "The small Jerusalem on the Isonzo", the Church of St Rocco, Palazzo Cobenzl, and Palazzo Coroncini Cronberg.
Events linked to the traditions of Gorizia include the antiques market "The attic in Piazzetta", Gorizia Carneval, "Gorizia Armonica", "Gorizia Galante", the International Song Contest "Seghizzi", the Ethnic Music review "Folkfest", "Gorizian December" and "Gorizia a tavola".