Hotels to remember: Gemona del Friuli
Travel ideas
Gemona del Friuli: introduction

Gemona del Friuli is situated on the left bank of the River Tagliamento, in a mountainous area, just a short distance from Udine. The oldest part of the town the lies at the feet of Mount Champion, Mount Cuarnan and Mount Glemine.
Gemona dei Friuli is part of the Gemonese Mountain Community, together with the towns of Venzone, Montemars, Forgaria, Artegna, Bordano and Trasaghis. Numerous examples of Medieval architecture are to be seen here; visitors can admire the Cathedral of St Maria Assunta, the Church of St Maria delle Grazie, arguably the most interesting of Gemona's churches, the Sanctuary of St Antonio, the oldest site of cult worship of the Saint, the Church of St Rocco, Palazzo Comunale, Palazzo Gurisatti, the small All Saints Church at Ospedaletto, and the Castle Hill.
Not to be missed: Piazza Garibaldi and its mosaic featuring Gemona's coat of arms, and Via Bini, the street which typifies Gemona del Friuli, right in the heart of the historic center.