Hotels to remember: Bevagna
Travel ideas
Bevagna: introduction

The heart of Bevagna is linked to the Roman era, as can be seen by its position along the Via Flaminia as well as various Imperial ruins such as the Roman theatre dating back to the II century AD, and the remains of mosaics featuring marine animals, probably once part of spa buildings.
If the ancient heart of the city was Roman, what most characterizes Bevagna today is without doubt, the legacy of the Medieval period from the gates of the city, such as Porta San Venanzo, and part of the city wall, still perfectly visible. Well worth a visit are the Medieval church of the Madonna of the Snow, the Church of St Silvestro, the Church of St Michael Arch Angel, the gothic Palazzo dei Consoli and the fountain in Piazza Silvestri.
Visitors to Bevagna enter a world where the historical roots have been carefully preserved and recreated in various festivals and events popular with tourists; such as the Gaite Market, a reenactment of life in the middle ages which shows Bevagna divided into four quarters.
Bevagna: suggestions from the hotels
Because it is possible to combine art and nature: from here you can easily reach some of the most beautiful towns of Umbria as Todi and Spoleto or venture into trekking. (San Pietro Sopra Le Acque Resort & Spa) →
Trevi is a small medieval borough dozing among the Umbrian hills, here you can taste the famouse Olive Oil DOP from TREVI, the fantastic Red Wine DOC and DOCG, and you can try the funniest Truffles Hunting. Near Assisi in the middle UMbria (Antica Dimora Alla Rocca) →

Torre della Botonta (Tower of Botonta) is part of the medieval fortified village of Castle San Giovanni, dating back to the 14th century, nestled in the heart of Umbria. (Torre della Botonta) →