Hotels to remember: Sistine Chapel
Travel ideas
Sistine Chapel: introduction

The best known of the artworks within the Vatican Museums is the Sistine Chapel ceiling fresco by Michelangelo which depicts The Last Judgement and the frescoes on the lateral walls by Pinturicchio, Perugino, Botticelli, Signorelli, Ghirlandaio and many others. Finally, one can visit the Sacred Museum and the Apostolic Library, and then the Vatican Pinacoteca which lost many of its paintings when it was pillaged by Napoleon.
The Vatican Museums include the Etruscan Museum, the Egyptian Museum, the Pio Clementino Museum and the Borgia Apartment. Following the route from the entrance, one can visit the Candelabri Gallery, the Arazzi gallery, the Gallery of Geographic Papers, and the rooms of Raphael; then one reaches the Logge by Raphael and the Borgia Apartment with the most important works by Pinturicchio. Continuing onwards one finds the Collection of Modern and Religious Art with more than 800 works of art by 25 artists from around the world, from Matisse to Picasso.