Hotels to remember: Monti Sibillini
Travel ideas
Monti Sibillini: introduction

The Sibillini Mountains National Nature Reserve lies, in the Kingdom of Sibilia, in the heart of Italy. The towns of Amandola, Arquata del Tronto, Montefortino, Montegallo, Montemonaco, Acquacanina, Bolognola, Cessapalombo, Piastra, Pievebovigliana, San Ginesio, Castelsantangelo sul Nera, Ussita, Visso, Norcia and Preci are all inside the Parco Nazionale Monti Sibillini.
Among the events held here are: the Italian University Triathlon Championship, the International Theatre Festival, the Historical Parade and Knights tournament, Medieval banquets, the Chestnut, Black truffle and White truffle fair.
Numerous gastronomic delights await the visitor: from corn bread to ciavuscolo, liver, pecora Sopravissana, Monti Sibillini sheep's cheese, Castelluccio lentils, Black truffle, Monti Sibillini Apples, Cacioni, Piegoni, and Mistrà Liqueur.
Monti Sibillini: suggestions from the hotels
Just a relaxing vacation or an action-packed holiday? Choose to have a fascinating insight to life in Marche region! (Villa Cicchi) →

Try to imagine a garden without boundaries,lying in the shade of mulberry trees,surrounded by vineyards,the peace and quiet of the countryside,waiting for the sunset bring with them the magic of summer nights made of cricke and fireflies. (Fattoria Forano) →
Montelparo, in the foothills of the Sibillini Mountains, is not only on the doorstep to three national parks, but is also the perfect gateway to the many nearby historic towns including Ascoli Piceno and Fermo, blue flag beaches and more. (Hotel Leone) →