Hotels to remember: Ca' Rezzonico
Ca' Rezzonico: introduction

Those visiting Venice are inevitably struck by the strikingly beautiful architecture of the city, with buildings such as the impressive Palazzo of Ca' Rezzonico, realised to the designs of the great Baldassare Longhena, one of the most highly acclaimed exponents of Venetian Baroque architecture.
Commissioned by the noble Bon family, building work on Ca' Rezzonico commenced in 1649, terminating with a magnificent façade overlooking the Canal Grande'. Rather than following the original plans of Longhena, the second floor was, instead, designed by Massari, including innovative additions as the extravagant entrance, and the grandiose and ball room created by removing the floor of the second storey.
Ca' Rezzonico now houses the Museum of Eighteenth Century Venice and conserves important works by artists such as Tiepolo, Rosalba Carriera, Longhi, Guardi and Canaletto, in a setting characterised by luxurious décor and period furniture.