Hotels to remember: Tarquinia
Travel ideas
Tarquinia: introduction

Tarquinia, a town where to discover Lazio's Etruscan past. The high relief sculpture of two winged horses, which once pulled a chariot mounted by a god, have become the symbol of the town, and can be seen on an immense terracotta panel housed within Tarquinia's National Archaeological Museum, together with hundreds of other unique exhibits, from elaborate funeral outfits to exquisite pieces of jewellery.
Just a few kilometers from the sea, in the province of Viterbo, the town of Traquinia rests on a hill opposite that on which the ancient Etruscan settlement of Civita once stood. Halfway between the old and new town, lies the Monterozzi Necropolis, now an UNESCO World Heritage Site. This burial ground contains some six thousand tombs, sixty of which decorated with elaborate wall paintings, and offers visitors the opportunity to admire the oldest works of art present on Italian territory. Those wishing to take a journey back in time should visit "Etruscopolis": perfect reconstruction of an Etruscan town.
Tarquinia still conserves much of its medieval town center, including numerous towers and a Castle in which, legend has it, Matilde of Canossa once stayed. Tarquinia is also home to beautiful houses of worship such as the Cathedral, and the 12th century Church of Santa Maria in Castello, this latter with magnificent Rose window.