Carmelita Caruana
Cook Italy: courses for fans of Italian cuisine.

Mediterranean of both origin and inclination, Malta-born Carmelita Caruana might well have English as her mother tongue, but she is decidedly Italian in her tastes and in her quite relentless passion for cooking. In 1998, she created Cook Italy, a company which offers entertaining cooking courses for fans of Italian cuisine.
Head quarters are in Bologna, a city so famous for its love of food as to have earned itself the nickname of "La Grassa" (the fat city). It is here that Carmelita welcomes her students, starting all her courses with a visit to the "Mercato di Mezzo" market. Amidst stalls brimming with fruit and vegetables or in shops such as the legendary Salumeria di Bruno e Franco in Via Oberdan 16, Carmelita holds her first lesson, in which she explains the origin of the products and the importance of using quality primary ingredients. Lessons continue in her welcoming kitchen, where she describes in detail the menu which students and teacher will prepare together. Finally, each dish is tasted whilst Carmelita tells fascinating tales of Italian food.
Cook Italy courses last for just a few hours or over a number of days. In the longer courses Carmelita includes trips to local vinegar distilleries and factories where cold meats and salamis are produced. Carmelita's very personal approach and the excellent on-line assistance which she offers to students needing help and culinary advice have contributed to her international fame.
Cook Italy
via Marsala 16
Tel.: +39 349 007 8298